Thursday, January 31, 2019

Waze- "Outsmarting Traffic, Together"

Have you ever been stuck in traffic for hours and never knew why? Have you ever gotten pulled over by a hidden cop for speeding? Have you ever almost gotten into an accident because you weren't warned about that tire in the road?

I know I have come close to all of these, but after finding an app called Waze, my life changed forever. I would 100% recommend Waze to others. Waze is a community-driven app designed to provide faster and smarter navigation routes while traveling from point A to point B. Users can report and track accidents, traffic jams, hidden police, objects in the road, and other things that could slow you down during your drive. Waze allows you to check your speed and lets you add your friends, so you can keep track of each other on a trip. Keeping up with the community theme, the app recommends you to nearby restaurants, the lowest gas prices, hotels, and attractions. I also like to connect my Spotify to the app, so you can listen to music without getting distracted by having to switch the song every three minutes!

Waze is an app for Millennials, a generation of people who are used to getting what they want, when they want. Despite the cons some may say about Waze, it is an irresistible time-saving app that makes it a must-have for all drivers.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Top 5 Favorite News Sites

Everyday, news is always revolving around us. With all the drama and controversy that occurs throughout all news platforms, we wouldn't know what is happening not only in the United States, but all around the world. People use a variety of sites to gather the information they are searching for.  Below I have created a list of my favorite platforms that I tend to go to for daily news.

ABC News:
Everyday, I get personalized notifications from the ABC News app. I use this app on a daily basis, as it is reliable for world-wide, top news and to follow topics that are updated throughout the day. ABC News allows you to find the exact stories, articles, and videos you are interested in and they can range from US News, to politics, to weather, to lifestyle news. I like having the app because it is hassle-free news, wherever and whenever you need it. It keeps me from missing stories they cover on TV for the topics I care about.

Since I was a teenager, I've always loved buying the People magazines in the grocery stores, bookstores, and anywhere else I could find them. I love reading the main stories featured, as well as the little facts and side content that's included within. I enjoy reading about what's happening throughout the entertainment industry and researching all the new trends, whether it be new hairstyles or the next fashion style. You always find something fun and interesting to read about through People.

Today Show:
My go-to morning news is NBC, specifically the Today Show. As an aspiring student who wants to be employed by NBC and be an anchor for the Today Show, it is ideal that I tune into this show every morning. I value that they not only cover globally trending stories, but also report on lighter news. I also appreciate that they have a variety of sources for gathering their content to share on their show. I not only watch the show, but I follow them on all of my social media accounts, as well. Moreover, I can keep track of the stories they are covering, if I'm too busy to catch the morning news live.

A lot of people may say that Twitter doesn't count as a valid or reliable news source, but millions of users gather their information from a variety of social media platforms. Everyday, I scroll through Twitter's trends and I can always find something interesting that is occurring throughout the news. I read tweets on all topics focusing on news, sports, and entertainment. The thing I find fascinating about finding news off of Twitter is reading other's opinions and comments on the topic being shared, especially when the celebrity or individual gets involved.

MTV is my favorite outlet to hear and read about all things celebrities, fashion, movies, and gossip. MTV may be bias for some, but you can for sure get the latest on that new movie that's coming out next summer or finding out who will be performing for the 2019 Grammys. I enjoy reading about artist's newest tracks and discovering the meaning behind their music videos. I usually read MTVs content on their personal page on Snapchat, but their website is easy to navigate, too.

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