Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Big Blog reveal!

Personal blogging has changed the world of mass communication.

The term 'blog" came from a shortened version of "web log" and was one of the earliest forms of mass communication opportunities for many people who wanted to write online content.

The Internet has changed the world of mass communication.

When the Internet was invented in 1983 and blogging started not too long after, in 1999; It has changed the way people communicate and the way people live their lives.

Forms of communication have broadened, whether it be through social media, news stories, or the Internet. In 2011, 90% of the media is controlled by only 6 mainstream companies- GE, Disney, News Corp, Viacom, CBS, Time Warner. These 6 companies control what we read, watch, and listen to on the Internet.

Although communicating is a lot easier nowadays, it can definitely be difficult at times.

To begin, media promotes the 1st amendment, which allows more people and press to share their ideas and beliefs. As the 1st amendment is amazing in which we can have a voice, it also makes blogging complicated. Furthermore, personal blogging and articles you find on the Internet can be controversial because there's more tension as more people express their opinions and beliefs. Moreover, it can be challenging because someone may not agree with your thoughts and ideas.

In addition, communicating through the Internet and blogging does have it's positive traits. It empowers individuals and allows us to express our personality, character, and emotions. It provides content of recent news and allows us to tell stories with the rest of the world.

It's crazy to think that we are able to write and tell our story or someone else's and it has changed the way people communicate. Blogging and storytelling through the Internet have not only changed the world, but also the world of mass communication.

This past semester for COM 1450, my Media Law and Literacy class, we have had to write weekly blog posts on everything and anything related to politics, history, the 1st amendment, privacy, technology, and other current news related topics. As I reflect back on what I've learned from this class and from my blog, I have learned to be more connected and involved with the news and how to relate and find a news story that corresponds to what we learned that week.

I was amazed by how they all connected. For example, we learned about the history of technology through a detailed timeline. We had to write a blog post on something related to technology, so when I was searching for something on the news, I found that Google had recently released two new apps to help people who are deaf or hard of hearing. I was so fascinated about how you can find current news that connects with something you may have learned that day. I was never confused or had a difficult time finding something to write about in my blog. I found stuff that interested me and I wrote about it.

Overall, I really enjoyed blogging this semester and I will definitely be continuing my blog on all things related to news or my daily life!

Check back soon to see where the rest of my journey goes with my blog!

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