Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Someone is always watching...

Watch out...

Ever since social media became a big deal, privacy became an even bigger issue. In today's world, anything you post or say on the internet is NOT private, regardless if your account is set to private or public.

Last year, Mark Zuckerberg got himself into a huge uproar when people began to find out that Facebook can track your online activity even when you're not logged in. This can be very spooky for some! Even though Facebook can't listen in on your daily conversations and sells your data to advertisers, they can track your location, your every move on the Web, and what you buy when you're offline.

Facebook's ad business depends on what you like and dislike regarding the advertisements that pop up when your scrolling through your feed on Facebook or shopping online at Target. A feature called Facebook Pixel can snoop on your Web browsing activity even when you are not on Facebook, and it uses the data it gathers to paint a picture of who you are and what you like or dislike.

Facebook can also help advertisers track your "offline conversions," which is an in-store purchase. Although it's not as easy to track these kinds of purchases than those from a Web browser, nonetheless it still helps advertisers see whether or not they are targeting the right audience.

This being said, the internet is a great resource, but it has gotten lots of backlash over the years as a couple of websites have been caught for stalking what you do and say on the Internet. Moreover, it is very important that you are careful about what you post and say on social media or the internet because once you post it, its out there for everyone to see. The last thing you want to happen is Facebook analyzing your data and sending it out because of something you have liked or disliked on your feed.

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