Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The IN's and OUT's to protecting my Privacy

Ever since social media bloomed, people have lost most of their privacy online.

Have you ever heard someone tell you, "Nothing is private on the Internet," or "What you post is out there for everyone to see." Well, it's true. Once you post something, it's out there forever for everyone to access and see.

It's called data retention and there is nothing you can do, even if you think you've deleted the post.

All of these search engines and social media apps keep a record of your account and track your activity. This has created a lot of controversies, as people are worried about their personal information.

For example, if you have just applied to your dream job, but you get denied because the employer found a photo of you drinking underage.

The posts can potentially ruin your future. With the help of VPN's, they can protect your data and accounts better.

A VPN is "a term used to refer to a connection between your device and a VPN server." VPNs can prevent authorities from tracing your online activities effectively and making sure your searches stay private and secure. 

Even though you need to still exercise caution when using VPNs, they can also help keep your account anonymous.

Here are some advantages to using VPNs as your main server:
1. Security Protocol
2. Data Encryption
3. Number of Servers
4. Accessing geo-restricted websites
5. Get discounts
6. Torrenting

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