Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Social Media vs. Mental Health

Social Media has taken over the world.

Not only physically, but also mentally.

Researchers have conducted experiments to determine whether or not social media harms your mental health.

The most popular social media platforms are Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. All of these platforms are a popular source for news and celebrity gossip, as well as sharing your life with others.

Since social media has blossomed, mental disorders among young adults have become more common, such as anxiety, body shaming, self-consciousness, isolation, and depression. The numbers increase every year and we must find a solution to find a balance between social media and our health.

According to center4research, "In 2016, an estimated 44.7 million adults aged 18 or older in the U.S. had a mental illness."

Social Media has always had a bad reputation as it provides a condescending message. Although it's great to provide beautiful photos from your recent trip to Costa Rica or videos from Coachella or even a selfie from your perfect wedding day, social media sends a message to others saying "Look at me, I'm prettier than you" or helps boost someone's confidence.

We are living in an age where appearance is put first before a lot of other things. We always want to present ourselves best and look the best. Social media puts out your good qualities, but it can also hide the negative qualities that you don't want others to see. It gives people the attention they want through likes, comments, and follows.

This being said, it has hurt many through mental illnesses. The risk increases if you spend two or more hours on social media. One psychology professor San Diego University discovered that teens who spend five or more hours a day online were 71% more likely to have at least 1 risk factor for suicide compared to teens who spent only 1 hour a day online.

Overall, we need to be more cautious and aware of how many social media platforms we use and the amount of time spent on them. This can greatly affect your mental health and may harm you for the rest of your life.

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